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chirp4 gensym-1 chirp3 chirp2 chirp5 loslsltpxrep losltpxcbair ---show ---showids 100plus worth-specials 20deveadbaba 20dedxulwesl 2007-easton-bats 32-slow 3dwobabat 4041 999 9999 99991 a110161 a110162 a111439 a111447 a111452 a111453 a112595 a112596 a112597 a112605 a112606 a112607 a113000 a113001 a113003 a113016 a113017 a113018 a113019 820 --close-outs---baseball-softball-baseball allstada3oil asa bamboo-bat-pro-ash-838 bamboo-bat-pro-ash-848 bamboo-bat-pro-ash-858 bamboo-bat-pro-ash-sq29 bamboo-bat-softball-bat email-adult bb bahenx utility index 1028-1 1028 cake3 cahe31 clipboard-saver clipt clone clsoba compare 20coupon crumbstest 1226 2008-demarini-cf3-white-baseball-bat 47codeba demarini-a9722 demarini-a9767 demarini-a9768 demarini-a9769 d-b52 50 dedx20f2yoba 19-bat dedx20ulwe 2143-1 2143 2144 2144-1 demarini-juice 2146 2146-1 2147-1 demarini-bat-bag deso1 deso demarini-vexxum-little-league-baseball-bat demarini-vtl-9-vendetta dilileba 822 2084 278 2083 2082 a120741 a120742 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956-1 louisville-fp203-fast-pitch-catchers-mitt 957 21-bat 57 705 705-1 60-1 60 fp29 704-1 704 701 703 703-1 lofpliandjef lofptpssislf 17-bat lofubat louisville-tpx-sting-stop-gybs104 lol1babagl lolfbagl louisville-little-league-tb204 louisville-little-league-tb206 loomxsbbbaba louisvillesb23 losbxxlslsob 966 967 loslombat loslomcl 970 968 loslairomxss 1203 1203-1 loslselebaba losltpxlabl 2033-1 2033 losl20fpfaso l-bb27 l-bb30 loslbbfuadba loslbg5adbib1 loslbgyobiba loslbw48ozyo loslcbomxsco l-fp39 l-fp19 3502 loslsbslpiso1 loslslseleba losltpsfpplf losltpxslair1 losltpxslged losltpxslvas losltpxslpls l-tpxc271 loslybtpxair loslyb20vayo 28-bat lotpxfbbagl 2513 1202 11-bat locpbagl louisville-tpx-pro-series-outfield-glove-xpro1275 loprbagl2 loprbagl loprlhbagl loprbagl1 loxpbagl loyblilebat 20-bat l-yb38 1201 l-wfi louisville-tpx-sting-stop loxptpxgl 980 981 63 66 2034 202 202-1 2032-1 2032 louisvilleyb42 loybc4tpxply loyb70algayo m-mcl5003 m-mcl6000 misunobags mizunocatchers1 mieqbag 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Tiffany- SC, United States
March 12, 2025
Found the bat in the size I was looking for after looking on several different sites.
QUICK shipping!
Fair pricing.
Jade- NY, United States
March 6, 2025
I loved my shopping experience with closeout bats. The website was so easy to navigate and there were so many bats to choose from. I ordered it late on a Wednesday night and it was here by Friday. My son loves his new bat. This is my second time shopping with closeout bats and I've spread the word on how great they are.
Jeff W.
March 5, 2025
Easy, quick and great prices
Kevin- NJ, United States
March 5, 2025
Good Selection of Bats, Great Price, and it Shipped Quickly
Mike S.- IL, United States
March 4, 2025
Very good experience. Easy site to navigate. Easy ordering process. Prompt delivery. And the bat was exactly what I ordered.


Warranties from Bat Manufacturers

At Closeout Bats we stock what we sell! We have a huge warehouse and are NOT drop shipping bats like many web sites. We update inventory and availability on the Web site several times a day as inventory positions change shipping hundreds and hundeds of bats. We also sell bats out of our physical store, so sometimes things sell out before we can get them off the Web site.

Limited quantities available. Prices subject to change without notice. Like we say, if it's on the site, it's in the warehouse -- just SOMETIMES it might have some other player's name on it! If you snooze, you lose, so ORDER YOURS NOW!